
Showing posts from June, 2020

A life well lived

This week I read the wonderful obituary of a man known simply as "H". His actual first name was Harold but based on the description of his life I get the feeling that he lived it with such gusto that he simply did not have time for the formality of his full name. "H" Now that is a man you can hang out with on the front porch while sipping a cold one or bushwhack through a jungle on a grand adventure. I kind of imagined what it would have been like to meet him for the first time. Hello, my name is Harold and I move pretty fast so all my friends just call me "H" and since pretty much everyone is my friend that is what you can call me". Nice to meet you "H" Here are just a few facts there were listed about his life: Born 1934 Met the love of his life in 2nd grade and was married to her 54 years before her passing Grew up on a 125,000 ranch near Mexico Started work as a roughneck at the age of 12 Went to college on a scholarship...