Being thankful

This week is Thanksgiving and there is no doubt that many folks will take time to reflect and be thankful. That is a very good thing.

The truth is that the spirit of thankfulness is something we should have every day of our lives and there is no need to make it a holiday. At the same time, the coming together of family and friends plus a chance to eat three slices of pie in a day is something I do not plan to pass up.

Daily thankfulness and an attitude of gratitude are important for a happy life. Gratitude or “the state of being grateful” would seem like a simple thing, unfortunately, there are way too many people that just do not get it.

When we place ourselves in a grateful state the world seems less burdensome and the future is brighter. I believe that anyone can dig deep no matter their current situation and find a reason to be grateful.

Not only does this state feel good but there are many studies that show people who live with a spirit of gratitude experience healthier and happier lives. This is one of the “duh” type revelations yet for some reason I do seem to find a lot of angry people.

What if the person flipping you off on the drive home were to instead focus on gratefulness about having a car rather than to be walking? Just having a car will put you in the top 10% of the world population. That is a pretty cool thing.

I see little items of gratitude as bricks to build my house of happiness. That is why I keep a list of my thanks. Over the years this list has grown and when I have a down moment I pull this list up and reflect on the hundreds of blessings I have captured. How in the world can I possibly feel down when there is so much good?

Some examples right from my list
  • Hugs
  • My wife’s smile
  • Dirt between my toes
  • Cookies
  • Mondays
  • Hope
  • My dog

My gratitude list is long and as I look at the words in most cases I can go back to when I added them and for just a few seconds return to that grateful moment.

So here’s the deal. Be thankful this week, eat your pie and enjoy the holiday. After, start a list and consider every day to be Thanksgiving. Happy is easier than bitter and far more fun.


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