How to write goals for success

If you read my previous post you understand the importance of goal setting to reach success. You must also be committed to joining the 9% club by following through with what you want to achieve.

Everyone is different and how you organize your goals needs to be your own but I thought I would share what has worked for me over the years.

A key thing to know is that goal setting is not a one-time event. Goals are to be in progress at all times and there is nothing wrong at all with having things that will take years to accomplish. This is why having them in writing and updated regularly will help you.

If you need a model for structuring your goal there is always the classic SMART format.

Specific--What do you want?
Measurable--How will you know you have achieved it?
Attainable--Is this goal even possible?
Relevant--Will the goal make a positive difference for you and/or others?
Time--when will you start, what are milestones along the way and when will you finish? (this is important)

I go a little extra by adding an E and an R.

E--what about this goal excites me so much that I am willing to make sacrifices and overcome the obstacles that will come my way?

R--what is the reward?  When the goal is accomplished and just as important when the goal is in progress what is going to be the outcome benefit of having gone through all this effort.

Breaking your goals down into great detail takes a lot of time but the long-term benefit to going through this process will help you see things to the end.

I also break my goals up into specific categories to ensure I have a well-rounded focus for the year. These categories are:

Faith--how will I grow this year to be closer to God and to serve others?
Family--how will I grow as a husband and as a father?
Career--how will I demonstrate excellence in my work to better serve those around me?
Finances--how will we keep our life debt free while building a future for retirement?
Fitness/health--how will I stay fit and healthy?
Fun--What adventure will we have for the year?

I know this can sound like a lot and I guess it is. However, since I have been using these same categories for many years and since I review these often, really after the first time subsequent years become simply tweaks.

If all this seems overwhelming I suggest you start with just one category and then dig deep into your SMARTER plan to make things happen. Once you see the results of this effort you will get motivated to expand your planning to every area of your life. Soon as you start checking off milestones along your journey you will meet your three new best friends--Mo, Men, and Tum.

When they join your team. Nothing will stop you!

So what are you waiting for?


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