10 Tips for Getting Debt Free--like me!

“If you want to live like no one else tomorrow, you have to live like no one else today” -Dave Ramsey

A saw a statistic the other day that said the average American consumer is carrying over $7,000 in credit card debt. The skyrocketing cost of college has also resulted in student loan debt at 44 trillion dollars with an average debt load of $37,172 for each person. These numbers do not include other debt “normal” people carry including a mortgage and a car. Add all of these elements together and you can understand the pressure people are feeling regarding their finances.

It seems most folks see debt as just a part of life. “You will always have a car, credit card, and a house payment”


Is this statement true? Why!

Having been 100% debt free now for four years and I can without a doubt say it does not have to be that way. It is possible to get out of debt and to stay that way.

Really, since being out of debt I find it very hard to imagine digging a new hole for my future. Lord willing I will never have debt again.

So how do you live a life without debt? Really it is a matter of mindset followed by habit.

Here is the simple solution:
  • Don’t buy stuff you can’t afford 
  • Don’t buy stuff you don’t need 
  • Live below your means 
  • Save Automatically 
  • Marry right 
  • Chose your career wisely 
  • Learn to enjoy free stuff 
  • Save today for the future you want twenty + years from now
  • Be content and grateful for what you have
  • Never stop learning 
The keys to a debt-free life are there for everyone to grab. Now that I am there, I wonder why I ever lived my life any other way.

You can open this door as well with some planning, education and time. Just listen to the stories from Dave Ramsey callers for a week and I guarantee you will leave believing you can do it.

Why are you waiting?


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