Where is happiness?

Our family spent a few days in Colorado recently and it was wonderful to soak in the cool mountain air and view the beauty that can only be found in the great American west. I have kiddingly said many times that my happy place is on a mountain rock contemplating life. On this trip, however, I took the time to realize that my happy place is really not a place at all. It is a moment. It is a simple time on the couch with my wife talking about our whacky dog. It is a conversation with our college-age son about his current success and plans for the future. It is that moment on the bike side by side with others striving for personal fitness while enjoying some great comradery. It is at work when a new employee shares excitement about starting a job here and what it means for their life. Happy is not a place. It is an ability to recognize the small moments that really make this life worth living and taking time to smile at the moment. As a new week begins, I am challenging myse...