My Values, My Purpose, My Compelling Vision

As promised, here is my Value, Purpose and Compelling Vision. I have it posted at my desk along with the photo. The picture serves as a nice reminder that my wife and son are looking up to me as a leader for our family. I can never forget this and must strive to always be a Godly example.
Hopefully you have taken some time to go through this exercise as well. If not, I encourage you to do so soon.
My value list
Closeness to God
Financial security
My purpose...
To serve God, serve my family and serve those around me.
My compelling vision statement:
I shall live a life grounded with a sense of integrity and of closeness with my God.
My values along with the Oath, Law and Motto will guide my choices along the way.
In my personal life I shall seek first to be a Godly husband and father and I will value those around me.
In my work life, I am committed to helping others experience success so they in turn will help others succeed.
I indeed understand that this life is but a breath in time and the impact I will have on others in service of Him is the most important impact of all.
Psalm 39:4-5 (New Living Translation)
4 “LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
Remind me that my days are numbered—
how fleeting my life is.
5 You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand.
My entire lifetime is just a moment to you;
at best, each of us is but a breath.”
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